Open Digital Libraries for creative users

Open Digital Libraries for creative users

In the summer of 2019, the National Library of the Netherlands approached us with the idea of testing new creative, artist-led ways to attract audiences to their wonderful and centuries-old collection of books and writing. 

Old books? Contemporary artists? The National Library of the Netherlands? Of course, we couldn’t refuse!

In partnership with the Austrian National Library and the National Library of Estonia, we envisioned a project where artists and creatives would find ways to make each of the libraries’ collections more attractive and accessible to users, both in physical and digital space.

The European Commission loved the idea and awarded our project plan a grant of € 190.705,- under their Cooperation Projects funding scheme. Open Digital Libraries for creative users has been running from 2020 to 2023.

Max Sheridan

Copywriter by day. Author of Dillo and God’s Speedboat. Name a bad Nic Cage movie I haven’t seen and I owe you lunch.

Future Academy on Tour in Europe


ADVICE Project