Future Academy on Tour in Europe

Future Academy on Tour in Europe

One of the most pressing challenges we face in Europe today is how to integrate migrants and refugees into European societies. For Dutch theater company ZID Theater, this is a full-time mission: helping migrant/refugee artists and creatives find their way into Dutch society and the Dutch workforce.

At TrueMotion, we share ZID’s vision of more inclusive societies where artists can thrive no matter where they come from. So when they approached us to help them with a European Cooperation Project, we signed up right away.

Future Academy on Tour in Europe is a training programme for migrant/refugee artists and creatives in five countries. Its goal is to find more jobs for migrants in the CCS. The project also encourages national cultural organisations to make a pledge to open up markets to these “new players”.

Max Sheridan

Copywriter by day. Author of Dillo and God’s Speedboat. Name a bad Nic Cage movie I haven’t seen and I owe you lunch.


FOG - and seeing each other


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