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European Funding, European Policy Maureen Blache European Funding, European Policy Maureen Blache

Erasmus+ 2021-2027 is supersized: Does bigger mean better for cultural organisations?

With a wider scope and a doubled budget, the new Erasmus+ offers unprecedented opportunities in education, training, youth and sport. But what can cultural and creative organisations do to get involved in this €28.4 billion programme and help deliver results in a post-pandemic Europe? Actually, a lot.

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European Funding, European Policy Bella Schuster European Funding, European Policy Bella Schuster

A new Horizon for the cultural & creative sector: More opportunity, less paperwork

The new Horizon Europe programme promises exciting new opportunities for the cultural and creative sector and a simpler, streamlined process for applications. We take a deep dive into the new framework to find out exactly what this newly launched, €95.5 billion funding source has to offer the CCS.

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Music Arne van Vliet Music Arne van Vliet

More plays, but a smaller slice of the pie: How the music industry is failing its creatives

Streaming services rescued the record industry and now dominate music industry sales. But the system doesn’t work for everyone. Artists often find themselves short-changed by compensation models designed to give them a fraction of their dues. But there is hope. Emerging technologies are set to revolutionise the entire value chain, and in the process give artists a fighting chance against streaming giants like Spotify.

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Digital Technology Maureen Blache Digital Technology Maureen Blache

Lead, follow or get out of the way: How the CCS is adapting to the digital shift

With sheltering and social distancing measures still in place this summer, Europeans are spending more time than usual at home. Consuming cultural and artistic works is mostly happening online and through digital platforms. But how has the CCS responded to this heightened digital shift? The transition has not always been as smooth as expected.

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Culture Post-COVID Arne van Vliet Culture Post-COVID Arne van Vliet

Boosting European health and wellbeing through culture and the arts

Lockdown measures are easing, and we’re now faced with the daunting task of planning our post-COVID societies. The cultural and creative sector will no doubt have a multifaceted role in re-imagining post-pandemic Europe. In the second article of our four-part series, we look at the impact of culture and the arts on European health and wellbeing.

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Digital Technology Maureen Blache Digital Technology Maureen Blache

Digital-first culture is here to stay. But will it replace the real thing?

With the pandemic still affecting Europe, we’ve adjusted to living great portions of our lives indoors. And that includes consuming culture. We examine how well the cultural and creative sector has adapted to the new demand, what cultural works are offered to consumers on digital platforms, and whether the new trend of digital consumption is likely here to stay.

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Culture Post-COVID Arne van Vliet Culture Post-COVID Arne van Vliet

Kickstarting Europe’s post-pandemic economy through culture and creativity

Lockdown measures are easing, and we’re now faced with the daunting task of planning our post-COVID societies. The cultural sector will no doubt have a multifaceted role in re-imagining post-pandemic Europe. In our first of a four-part series look at the impact of the cultural and creative sector on recovering the European economy.

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